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NBC记者Rosalyn:把KD关于问题的回答简单拿来当做是他把勇士拿来跟雷霆对比,不但不公平,更是作为记者的懒惰。(原话:Not only is it not fair, but also lazy journalism to take Kevin Durant’ s answers to questions about the Warriors as comparison to the Thunder.)

Nate Jones:媒体一直在故意扭曲KD的言论然后拿来当枪使,挑起骂战,这对他们的业绩、点击量和流量都很有好处。(原话:Media trying to twist comments as shots and stir up a war is great for biz, clicks and rating.)

Bleacher report记者Jordan Ramirez:我很吃惊居然没看到俄城哪家媒体的头版头条上写着“KD偷吃了那个孩子的墨西哥玉米片,就像他偷走了我们的心那样”(原话:Surprised we haven’t seen a “KD steals kids nachos, just like he stole our hearts” headline from the state of Oklahoma yet.)

圣何塞水星报记者Anthony Slater:KD现在处于一个里外不是人的位置。他在接受媒体采访时总是很积极——不管是关于队友、对手还是任何其他人。现在只要他一夸奖勇士就会被当成是在贬低雷霆。(原话:KD in a tough spot. He always positive in interviews—about players, opponents, whoever. Now when he praises GSW, taken as shot at OKC.)

NBA记者Ethan Strauss:那么问题来了:人们到底想让KD说什么呢?(原话:Prompts a question: What do people want KD to say?)

鹈鹕网友ConsumedAM:皮尔斯可能还对13年雷阿伦加盟热火一事耿耿于怀吧。He's probably still upset at Ray Allen for joining Miami in '13

雷霆球迷dbthelinguaphile :这对我们来说就好比科比2008年加盟凯尔特人一样。(This is like Kobe joining the 2008 Celtics to us.)

活塞球迷MeesterAndrew:一直在等一个人站出来说‘他有权力去任何地方’。这是真的,但我还是觉得联盟多些宿敌恩怨会更有趣。Waiting for the person to show up and say, "It's his right to go where he wants." Which is true but I feel like the league would be more fun if there was more 'bad blood'.


球迷shanmustafa:我已经不关心这件事了。(I don't care about this anymore)

小牛球迷ranjithd:这就像勒布朗加盟绿军三巨头一样,我想如果勒布朗当年也加入他们,皮尔斯应该觉得OK。想象一下,隆多、阿伦、皮尔斯勒布朗和KG在同一支球队吧!(This is like lebron joining the big 3 celtics. I'd guess pierce would be ok if lebron joined them back then. Imagine rondo,Allen,pierce, lebron and kg on the same team!)



来源:天下足球直播网 txzqzhibo.com
