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Crazy breakdown of KG's career earnings (instagram.com)






[?]BullsMObaid27 17 points 1 day ago 

My life goal is to average 4 rebounds in a year.


[?]PacersOneechanCocoa 7 points 1 day ago 

I'm going to be poor forever


[?]RocketsWillyTanner 1 point 1 day ago 

The per minute amount really blows my mind


[?][MIN]Kevin Garnettharrisonsmitheyes 3 points 1 day ago 

and he took several large paycuts


[?][NJN]Kerry KittlesSteelNets 14 points 1 day ago 

And he barely spent any of it. Until he buys into the wolves of course.

Doesn't him mom still manage his money for him so he doesn't spend it?



[?]WarriorsTangmelo 16 points 1 day ago 

Fuck my life.


[?]iWant_To_Play_A_Game 1 point 1 day ago 

Not a bad salary...


[?]NBAbleu2 1 point 1 day ago 

Man should just buy the Wolves


[?]TimberwolvesTdotGdot 4 points 23 hours ago 

Funny, even with all the money he's still no where close to having the money most majority owners have.


[?]Lakerskkhire 1 point 19 hours ago 

lol i imagine a team like the wolves at their current point would cost at least 600M for an ownership stake.

a minority stake would be much less, but why would anyone sell now when the stock is due to increase tremendously over the next few years?



[?]Bullswjbc 42 points 1 day ago 

KAT is going to earn a billion dollars.


[?]Raptorsmocha-thunder 17 points 1 day ago 

Considering in 10 years a max contract could be like 250 million yea he sure is.


[?]Warriorsroy_ayers 21 points 1 day ago 

These $/random stat numbers are always pretty insane, but if you consider how much time these guys put in outside the game (off-season, film study, training, etc) it brings things back to Earth.

这些$数字总是看着非常疯狂。但如果你考虑到这些球员在比赛之外付出了多少努力(休赛期,研究比赛录像,训练,等等), 这就很接地气了。

[?]Cavaliersdiet_shasta_orange 26 points 1 day ago 

Even if he spent every waking hour doing nothing be basketball, it still wouldn't bring those numbers down to earth. It's still $15MM per year, which is about $7.5k an hour, assuming a 40 hour work week.

就算是他每小时在走路的时间里都是在做篮球相关的事吧,那这些薪水数字仍然不接地气啊。 仍然是年薪1500万美元的水平, 大概每小时75000美元,假设他一周工作40小时的话。

[?]Jazzchrimewave 21 points 1 day ago 

what brings the numbers back to earth is the money that the NBA has made during his career.

if the NBA makes billions, arent its top players due hundreds of millions?


[?]Cavaliersdiet_shasta_orange 16 points 1 day ago 

They certainly are. He was probably worth way more than that. But the number is still astronomical


[?]TimberwolvesTdotGdot 4 points 23 hours ago 

Your point still stands, but I think the average NBA player works much harder and puts in much more time than the average worker. Like, practice + film + weights + work with trainers + travel + games + pre game reps + interviews, etc. and I'm sure these guys are "on the clock" for 80 hours a week, easy. Remember, no weekends or holidays.

Again, it's still insane, astronomical money that really has no comparison to normal salaries. But it's not free money falling from the sky per on-court minute. It's serious work

你的观点仍然是有道理的,但是我认为普通NBA球员付出的努力和时间要比普通的工人要多。 比如训练+看录像+练力量+跟训练师训练+旅行+比赛+赛前准备+采访,等等。 我确定这些球员很容易每周得有80小时都花在工作上。 记住,他们是没有周末或者假期的。

但是他们的收入仍然属于很逆天的天文数字,这跟普通人的薪水完全没可比性的。 但他们赚的钱也不是每分钟从天上掉下来的,而是真正付出的努力。.

[?]gcz77 1 point 18 hours ago 

It's not simply a matter of time. You can work for an hour but not work hard. On the other hand someone can work for an hour and put every ounce of himself into every second. Not all hours are equal.

不能简单按时间来算的。 你可以工作1小时但是不怎么费力, 另一方面别人也可以工作一小时但是每秒钟都费劲了洪荒之力, 不是所有的工作时间都是对等的。

[?]Cavaliersdiet_shasta_orange 1 point 8 hours ago 

That's true, but even if I'm being kinda lazy, he isn't working 100x harder than I am.


[?][NJN]Kerry KittlesSteelNets 11 points 1 day ago 

Here's a crazy thought: lower the profits of the league and players by making the game more affordable and accessible for the fans...

我有个疯狂的想法:降低联盟和球员的利润, 让球迷们都看得起比赛...

[?][LAL]Kareem Abdul-Jabbarfetus_ezeli 1 point 23 hours ago 

$326,304,240... so how much of that does he actually get after taxes, agents fees etc?


[?]TimberwolvesTdotGdot 3 points 23 hours ago 

I've heard the rule of thumb is less than half. Taxes are probably 40%+, agents get a few points., MN has a high (second highest?) state income tax. I think there are some other standard "cuts", too. JJ Redick talked about it on his pod once.

我听说据经验估算,到手的不到一半。税很可能是40%以上, 经纪人也会分掉一些。明尼苏达州的所得税很高(可能是全美第2高?), 我认为还有一些其余的“抽成”。JJ雷迪克之前在播客商谈到过这个问题。

[?]gcz77 1 point 18 hours ago 

Add endorsements though. He had verizon, Gatorade and was the face of adidas for a time.

还得加上代言合同呢, KG有Verizon(美通信公司)、佳得乐的合同,他还曾经是阿迪达斯的头牌人物

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